Get Started
This is a normal page, which contains VuePress basics.
You can add markdown files in your vuepress directory, every markdown file will be converted to a page in your site.
See routing for more details.
Every markdown file will be rendered to HTML, then converted to a Vue SFC.
VuePress support basic markdown syntax and some extensions, you can also use Vue features in it.
export const HomeHeroImage = defineComponent({
name: 'HomeHeroImage',
setup(props) {
return () =>
class: ['hero-img ', isChanged.value ? 'jumping' : ''],
onClick: doToggle,
onMouseenter: doToggle,
// onMouseleave: setReady,
toggleState.value ? h(AstronautBlack) : h(AstronautWhite),
VuePress use a .vuepress/config.js
(or .ts) file as site configuration, you can use it to config your site.
For client side configuration, you can create .vuepress/client.js
(or .ts).
Meanwhile, you can also add configuration per page with frontmatter.
Layouts and customization
Here are common configuration controlling layout of @vuepress/theme-default
Check default theme docs for full reference.
You can add extra style with .vuepress/styles/index.scss